Just because …

Nov 15, 2020
This isn’t discriminatory.  It’s purely about ratios.  Because typically there are SO many more guys out in the waves than ladies or grommets by ratio, we have made a tab just for ladies and grommets.  That way, if you are a lady or a grommet surfer, you will have far fewer shots to leaf through […]

This isn’t discriminatory.  It’s purely about ratios.  Because typically there are SO many more guys out in the waves than ladies or grommets by ratio, we have made a tab just for ladies and grommets.  That way, if you are a lady or a grommet surfer, you will have far fewer shots to leaf through to see if we got an epic surf shot of you or a mate on any particular break or on any particular day.

Try it and see. Go to the Galleries menu, there’s a link under that called Ladies & Groms.  Then if you want to search by date, break or photographer you can narrow down the search even further.

As usual feedback is welcomed. We want to make this site as user-friendly as possible so let us know if you have any suggestions to improve it. Tx! ? Mala

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